connect to sql database using c#
add these library first
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
create string to connect with database
string str = @"Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=password";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); //create object to connect sql
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // create object to send command in sql
DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //create...
Monday, 17 June 2013
by Rupesh Sharma on 23:31
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create database in windows application
here is in image given below you can view how to create sql datbase in windows application.
by Rupesh Sharma on 21:41
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first Create table for user id and password.
like this below
tablae name : emailusers :
1. id int unique
2. userid nvarchar 50
3. pass nvarchar 50
when Timer starts. //set timer as you need
read all userid and password from table that you create by for loop like this below
create connection and retreive all users with pass in grid.
do this code
int a;
a=grid.rows.count; //grid is id of gridview
for(int i=0;i<a;i++)
string id =grid.rows[i].cell[0].value.tostrig()
Saturday, 8 June 2013
by Rupesh Sharma on 09:46

Send and Receive SMS in .NET using GSM modem
This source code is for Send and Receive SMS in .NET using GSM modem. You can use this SMS Application program to send SMS from your PC using GSM modem connected to your computer. Its complete working project code for sending and receiving sms using C#.Net. You can implement this project source code to your project and this...
by Rupesh Sharma on 09:36
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By using this program user can collect email addresses from local .txt files documents or any non-binary file.
select any text file, application will extract all valid email address from text file
by Rupesh Sharma on 09:33
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Chat Application (connecting winforms to webapp chat service)
Features:1. Chat Application Sample to connect your Winform Application to Web App Chat service
Useful with following Scenarios1. Realtime based apps2. if you want your client application(be it web or winform apps) to get notified when data has changes3. of course can be used as chat application can be suited...
by Rupesh Sharma on 09:21
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This application calculates your waist to hip ratio and gives you the results to two decimal places. It also gives you the results accurate for your sex. It groups the results into three categories of excellent, average, or poor, depending on the value and then gives corresponding health advice.
Increasingly doctors see waist to hip ratio as a more accurate measurement...
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